Things to Consider While Installing Rubber Floor
Freak weather changes and immense unpredictable heatwaves have wreaked havoc across the world giving birth to new disease and health issues that have never been seen before. This generation of humans has to battle an enemy that has never been battled in human history: Climate Change.
The drastic increase in heat across the globe has wrecked the workout schedules for many people, basic exercises like walking; jogging, cycling, and tai chi have become impossible to do. The heat is just unbearable and doctors advise that working out in such intense weather conditions will only make you ill advancing any hidden illness that you were controlling with medication. Add to this scenario high pollution levels which have been directly linked to the birth of diseases like diabetes1, hypertension (blood pressure), asthma, and you have a pretty clear picture of how exercising outdoors is now a dangerous proposition.
But human beings have always risen to challenges even in the face of insurmountable odds. Exercise is now a part of the daily routine for many millennials and the need for it has led to the mushrooming of gyms commercial and domestic along with indoor sports arenas and fitness centers. The equipment available in-home gyms differ from that available in commercial gyms as home gyms are designed specifically to cater to an individual’s needs, whereas, commercial gyms cater to all and sundry. Commercial gyms cater to members who require a specific set of exercises and then there are those who like a bit of everything. Equipping either of these can be a task in itself and requires quite a bit of patience. Commercial gyms also have to look after the business angle to keep the enterprise running whereas home gyms only serve to a few individuals. Commercial gyms also have to stack up on refreshments, showers, snacks and the upscale ones also dish out gourmet food which is good for health, this all costs money. The advent of new-age exercises has made the task for commercial gyms even tougher and they now have to hire specialized coaches for each new age fad that comes along burdening them with even more obligations.
There is an upside though the problems with outdoor exercising and warnings from health workers have led to a huge rise in people clamoring to join commercial gyms and the number for those creating home gyms have gone up too. This means there are people who are willing to shell out money to stay fit even if it means doing it indoors. Stocking a gym is still easier than finding the right place the issue that arises after finding the right place is the fact that you have to do up the place to look like a gym, even if it was a home gym one should still feel like working out in it, after all, sleeping on the bench press never gave anyone a good physique.
There are certain common mistakes that both domestic and commercial gym owners make, in an ideal world everything should be planned out before the machines and equipment are put in place, however, this is not an ideal world and human beings are prone to make follies. Most people realize this folly only after they have set everything in place and now starting from scratch is going to be a huge money guzzler. The common aspect that everyone overlooks is Safety Flooring. This is a glaring loophole that will not only ruin the safety aspect of your gym it will also make noise pollution a persistent problem within your premises and you will have flooring damage combined with equipment issues that won’t go away until you take definitive action.
The answer to all your worries is to get in touch with a Rubber Flooring Manufacturer. Rubber-based flooring is the only flooring that can up the safety factor in a gym, industry, commercial kitchen or even a swimming pool. Rubber flooring cannot only absorb shock it also absorbs sound bouncing off walls and cushions impacts. Rubber flooring also has anti-water pooling properties thereby providing a surface with traction to prevent slips and falls; hence, preventing accidents.
Most clients generally have questions about installing Rubber Flooring and we shall try and help you with some pointers on installing different kinds of rubber-based floorings.
You will require the following tools for any kind of rubber flooring installation.
You will require the following tools for any kind of rubber flooring installation.
- Gloves
- Ruler and Measurement Tape
- Utility knife and extra blade
- Knee pads
- Chalk line, ballpoint pen or a light removable ink marker.
- Hacksaw carbide blade, carpenter’s square
- Cleaning tools like towels vacuum and mop
- Scraping tools like hammer and scrape
Although you can attempt installation on your won we recommend that you hire a flooring expert or technician to get the best results.
You must ensure that the sub-flooring/ the surface that you need the installation to be done on is clean, free of dust and crumbs and is a leveled surface. Placing rubber flooring on a dirty surface is nearly impossible and can result in the flooring coming off or even getting damaged. Rubber flooring can only be placed on a leveled surface any other alternative to this does not exist.
Installing Interlocking Rubber Flooring Tiles
No Adhesive or Binders are required for installing these types of tiles.
You need to keep in mind that the heart shape of the tile should be in either the left or right direction to get the best installation results.
Since you only need to place them and lock them together these tiles are the most sought after flooring solution the world over and Fab Floorings India can proudly say that it is among the top manufacturers of this tile all over India with an unblemished service record and impeccable quality assurance.
Rubber tiles must be cut with a sharp precision knife any mistake can render the product useless with uneven cuts. It is always advisable to use a hacksaw tool. To ensure that you have the best cuts when it comes to large tiles please ensure that you change the blade frequently. For tiles with higher thickness, other tools are required. Always calculate the area and edges before installing the flooring, in the case of rubber tiles please calculated the number of tiles you would require before the installation begins. While choosing adhesives we advise you do not make any decisions based on lower pricing as the placement of tiles and their longevity on the floor depends on the quality of adhesive used. Styrene-butadiene copolymer (SBR) latex is a type of synthetic rubber adhesive that is durable and highly recommended for commercial and industrial use. Always remember to use a face mask and gloves while using adhesives. The adhesive should be applied on the sub-floor and all over the tiles under surface in order for the tiles to sick in place. Usually, the adhesive requires a period of 48 hours to dry for the tiles to set in, during this period please ensure that the tiles are kept away from human contact, moisture/water, do not let anyone walk on the tiles during this drying period. Rubber flooring is low maintenance and only requires a moist mop and a vacuum now and then.